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Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

Education and action weeks against antisemitism 2019

Anti-Semitism has many faces. It often manifests itself among young people: "You Jew" is still a common insult on German school playgrounds. The necessary thematization of this as part of the Action Weeks against Anti-Semitism 2019 must neither reproduce anti-Semitism nor come across as an educational reminder project.

Our role:

Cheeky, but clear

Anyone who uses "you Jew" as an insult reveals a lot about themselves. We create communication that holds up a mirror to these people. But not aggressively, but with a wink that is cheekily provocative but makes it clear: "Don't let a rag tell you anything - Jew is not an insult".

section 3 image
DU JUDE sticker
#unplug antisemitism jute bag
DU JUDE poster under bridge

Prominent advocate

In addition to a series of poster motifs, we are also staging the topic online. For example, an interview format with Tocotronic singer Dirk von Lowtzow in conversation with a young Jewish woman from Berlin and a spot in which young people themselves have their say complement the content-related discussionVideo: Street survey and report where they have already heard "You Jew!" used as an insult and how they dealt with it.

Nationwide visibility

The approach ultimately provides the appropriate framework for the campaign weeks, during which over 160 events are held throughout Germany. The motifs are in great demand throughout the country and can be seen at 800 schools in North Rhine-Westphalia alone.

DU JUDE poster on the grass verge of a road
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